At Fox News, Less Attention Paid to Gun Debate Than Elsewhere

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President Barack Obama hadn’t finished his first sentence when the Fox News Channel cut away from his Rose Garden remarks about the Senate’s defeat of a measure that would have expanded background checks for gun buyers. Viewers were told they could watch the rest online if they wanted to. Then the hosts of “The Five,” the channel’s 5 p.m. talk show, resumed their conversation about liberal media bias. The decision not to show the president’s angry rejoinder to the Senate vote — or to cover the vote in any detail an hour earlier — was the latest example of Fox’s evident lack of interest in the gun violence debate that has captivated many other media outlets. The channel, a favorite of conservatives, has refrained from extensive coverage while MSNBC, a favorite of progressives, has taken every conceivable opportunity to talk about it.

At Fox News, Less Attention Paid to Gun Debate Than Elsewhere