The future of the electronic communications sector and its infrastructure

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The European Commission has launched an exploratory consultation to gather views on the potential developments of the connectivity sector and its infrastructure. The aim is to gather views on the changing technological and market landscape and how it may affect the sector for electronic communications. It also touches upon the types of infrastructure and amount of investments that Europe needs to lead the digital transformation in the coming years. Digital markets and in particular connectivity markets are facing transformative technological and market developments. These include cloud data storage, the transition to edge computing, the usability of the Metaverse, artificial intelligence, virtual reality and more.  Moreover, such developments are not isolated from the challenging geopolitical and the broader economic situation. Therefore, it is now a good moment to look at the connectivity sector by way of a consultation and gather stakeholders’ views as to where the electronic communications sector stands and where it will and should be in the future.

The future of the electronic communications sector and its infrastructure EU seeks input on making tech companies pay for ISPs’ network upgrades (ars technica)