The Future of Network TV News
[SOURCE: New York Times, AUTHOR: Bill Carter]
An article on what broadcast network TV news will look like over the next few years as executives ponder how to keep news programming on the networks competitive in a world of ever-expanding choices for news consumers. The days of network news executives as emblems of conscience in journalism are long gone. The job now requires skills more as a manager of talent and budget. Direction remains the most pressing issue for all the network divisions. Nobody is entirely sure which way to go. To upset the traditional news format - with an anchor reading a news script and leading into reports from correspondents - risks alienating the aging but still substantial audiences that the networks control. But to stay with that traditional format risks losing relevance with each passing day to the immediacy of the Internet and the all-the-time availability of electronic devices like cellphones, which will soon be news outlets as well.
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The Future of Network TV News