Gary Johnson Op-Ed: There's another choice

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[Commentary] When it comes to electing their next president, Americans want a candidate to vote for — not just someone to vote against. American voters want the perspective of an outsider who can bring an entrepreneurial perspective to the White House. They aren't opposed to experience in governing — so long as it doesn't bring with it an addiction to crony capitalism and the fruits thereof. And they want a candidate who looks after American interests and doesn't use war to destabilize already volatile regions of the world like the Middle East. I’m running for President to offer that alternative.

I'm a strong believer in our Constitutional rights to civil liberties and privacy. Our government should not be spying on the electronic communications of American citizens. Nor should our iPhones or Android devices be subject to unreasonable searches and seizures. One of the biggest concerns that many voters have with both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, but particularly with Clinton, is the sense that she uses government power to advance her personal and political interests. Having been governor of New Mexico, I know that legislation gets passed to benefit those who have money and influence. Then they buy more money and influence. That’s one reason why, as governor, I vetoed more than 750 bills and thousands of line items. I did it to keep crony capitalism away from government. Americans can find sanity and principle by voting Johnson/Weld in 2016.

[Gary Johnson is the Libertarian Party's presidential nominee. His running mate is former Massachusetts Gov Bill Weld]

Gary Johnson Op-Ed: There's another choice