Getting to a gigabit. How will take on caps, residents and AT&T in San Francisco

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San Francisco is slated to get a gigabit fiber to the home network in the coming five years, with the construction on the network to begin next year if gets the permits it needs to begin the pilot build out. But those permits are far from certain. As AT&T’s battle with the city proves, getting to a gig (or in AT&T’s case about 18 Mbps) takes more than just money — the city’s residents are active protestors of some of the infrastructure a fiber network requires. Higginbotham spent some time talking to Dane Jasper, the CEO of Sonic about how he plans to take on the incumbents, the cost of a fiber build out and the natives of a city that already have sued to stop AT&T from building out fiber to the node broadband. We also touched on caps and why Jasper can’t see himself offering businesses gigabit services in the near future. (Dec 28)

Getting to a gigabit. How will take on caps, residents and AT&T in San Francisco