Getting Help Online: How Young People Find, Evaluate, and Use Mental Health Apps, Online Therapy, and Behavioral Health Information

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Adolescents and young adults are facing elevated rates of mental health issues—and they're also struggling with access to the mental health care they urgently need. When young people express the need for professional help, they often encounter obstacles to seeing a therapist, such as prolonged wait times, limited local access to mental health providers, or financial barriers. In light of these barriers, young people turn to social media and digital mental health apps to attempt to fulfill their needs. While online therapy platforms can offer increased convenience, accessibility, and affordability when compared with traditional in-person treatment, important concerns remain related to patient data privacy, limited insurance coverage, and quality of care. At the same time, young people are proactively taking charge of their own mental health by seeking information online via social media and mental health apps. Social media platforms also offer access to communities and content creators who have similar, relatable mental health experiences and who can share their lived experiences and hard-won personal expertise.

Getting Help Online: How Young People Find, Evaluate, and Use Mental Health Apps, Online Therapy, and Behavioral Health Informat