Google co-founder Sergey Brin: "I am dreading today's elections"

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Google co-founder Sergey Brin said he's "dreading" the elections. He took to his company's social networking site, Google Plus, to write a dour missive on the state of American voting and politics.

He said his vote "won't matter at all," because he resides in solidly blue-state California -- not a swing state -- and because the Electoral College disproportionately weights votes from less populous states. But that's not Brin's main concern. "No matter what the outcome, our government will still be a giant bonfire of partisanship," he wrote around midnight. "It is ironic since whenever I have met with our elected officials they are invariably thoughtful, well-meaning people. And yet collectively 90% of their effort seems to be focused on how to stick it to the other party." He asked that today’s victors "please withdraw from your respective parties and govern as independents in name and in spirit. It is probably the biggest contribution you can make to the country."

Google co-founder Sergey Brin: "I am dreading today's elections"