Google: Coming Soon -- A New Approach in Louisville and San Antonio

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We’re trying something new in our next two Fiber cities. When we begin serving customers in Louisville (KY) and San Antonio (TX), we’ll focus on providing superfast Internet - and the endless content possibilities that creates - without the traditional TV add on.

If you’ve been reading the business news lately, you know that more and more people are moving away from traditional methods of viewing television content. Customers today want to control what, where, when, and how they get content. They want to do it their way, and we want to help them. For our existing markets with TV as a part of their product offerings, nothing is changing -- although more and more of you are choosing Internet-only options from Google Fiber. We’ve seen this over and over again in our Fiber cities. Louisville and San Antonio -- our superfast Internet service will be there soon. We’re excited to see what you do with Google Fiber in your own way.

Google: Coming Soon -- A New Approach in Louisville and San Antonio