Google concerned about Verizon's open access

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Google has asked the Federal Communications Commission to obtain a pledge from Verizon Wireless that it will honor the open-access conditions on a band of 700MHz spectrum before selling the spectrum to the carrier. Google, in a filing with the FCC Friday, raised concerns that Verizon Wireless wasn't committed to the open-access rules the FCC put on the nationwide C block of the 700MHz spectrum the agency sold in an auction ending in mid-March. The FCC's open-access rules required the winner of the C block to allow customers to connect wireless devices of their choosing and run any applications on the network using the C block. Google's filing doesn't explicitly spell out what the company wants the FCC to do if Verizon doesn't pledge to follow the open-access rules, but it implies that the FCC shouldn't sell Verizon the spectrum in that case.

Google concerned about Verizon's open access