Google lets users search for Internet blockers

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On Wednesday, Google unveiled a plan aimed at eventually letting computer users determine whether providers like Comcast Corp are inappropriately blocking or slowing their work online. The scheme is the latest bid in the debate over network neutrality, which pits content companies like Google against some Internet service providers. The ISPs say they need to take reasonable steps to manage ever-growing traffic on their networks for the good of all users. Content and applications companies fear the providers have the power to discriminate, favoring some traffic over others. Google will provide academic researchers with 36 servers in 12 locations in the United States and Europe to analyze data, said its chief Internet guru, Vint Cerf, known as the "father of the Internet."

Google lets users search for Internet blockers 'M-Lab' Plans To Fill Internet Data Void Google, partners release net neutrality tools (InfoWorld) Bravo to Google for Supporting M-Lab. But How About a Tool That Also Exposes All Data Collection?