Google wants former lawmakers for lobbying gig

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Internet giant Google Inc. has gone Washington. The tech company is looking to fill its top DC lobbyist slot with a former member of Congress — a classic Washington play.

Several names have been circulating on K Street for weeks — and former Rep. Tom Davis (R-VA) is among the top contenders, according to several sources. Former Rep. Rick Boucher (D-VA) and former Sen. Blanche Lincoln’s (D-AR) names have also been floated. All three have gone into consulting or legal work since exiting Capitol Hill. The slot has been open since November, when Alan Davidson announced his departure, telling colleagues that he wanted to “explore other opportunities.” And filling the slot is a top priority, since the search giant is engaged in a lobbying battle royal over online piracy legislation that the company fears could dramatically change the online landscape. If Google does hire a former lawmaker, it would be a major tactical shift for the tech company, which made a practice of hiring tech policy experts when it opened its Washington office.

Google wants former lawmakers for lobbying gig