Google's Schmidt On The State Of The Mobile Phone: 'It's Like Magic'

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Speaking at the Mobile World Congress, Google CEO Eric Schmidt referred to the rise of cloud computing and faster connectivity speeds as driving mobile adoption. "A device that is not connected is not interesting, it is literally lonely. An application that does not leverage the cloud isn't going to wow anybody," he said. "It's like magic. All of a sudden there are things you can do that we've never even (thought of) because of this convergence." During the question and answer session following his remarks, one person asserted that Google wanted to turn the operators into "dumb data pipes." The questioner went on: "You see the operator as the data supplier, you're the one with the service." Schmidt fired back, saying, "I disagree with your premise completely" and asking the man to explain himself. "I feel very strongly that we depend on the successful business of the operators," Schmidt said. "We need advanced sophisticated networks." Later on, yet another member of the audience asked Schmidt whether five years from now a mobile phone user would "feel like a Vodafone/T-Mobile customer or a Google customer." Schmidt responded "both."

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