Gov Dunleavy Signs Bill Advancing Statewide Broadband Access in Alaska
Gov Mike Dunleavy (R-AK) signed House Bill 363 establishing the Office of Broadband, creating the broadband parity adjustment fund, and establishing the Statewide Broadband Advisory Board. The bill, introduced by State Representative Bryce Edgmon, carries out recommendations made by Governor Dunleavy’s Task Force on Broadband which was established under Administrative Order No. 322. The legislation allows Alaska to capture federal funds by establishing the State Office of Broadband within the Department of Commerce, which will prioritize broadband service expansion in the following priority order: unserved areas, underserved areas, and anchor institutions. The bill creates the Broadband Parity Adjustment Fund to be a repository of federal funds and may be utilized to offset costs of broadband for eligible Alaskans. Lastly, House Bill 363 created the Statewide Broadband Advisory Board to advise the Office of Broadband and facilitate stakeholder engagement. The bill signing ceremony took place at the Alaska Broadband Summit + Workshop hosted by Sen Dan Sullivan (R-AK), the State of Alaska, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), the Alaska Municipal League (AML), and the Alaska Federation of Natives (AFN).
Dunleavy Signs Bill Advancing Statewide Broadband Access