Gov Rick Snyder (R-MI) signs Executive Order to create a roadmap for enhancing statewide broadband access and connectivity

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A comprehensive plan to improve access to broadband services in Michigan will be developed under an Executive Order signed by Gov Rick Snyder (R-MI). The Executive Order creates the Michigan Consortium for Advanced Networks, which is directed to establish a roadmap to help strengthen statewide broadband access and connectivity.  Executive Order 2018-2 directs the Michigan Consortium for Advanced Networks to identify gaps in broadband service coverage and capacity, current efforts underway to address connectivity issues, and key strategies and recommendations for the state and private sector to pursue to achieve enhanced connectivity. The Consortium will consider recommendations provided by Gov. Snyder’s 21st Century Infrastructure Commission’s report and must present a plan by August 1, 2018. 

Gov Rick Snyder (R-MI) signs Executive Order to create a roadmap for enhancing statewide broadband access and connectivity