Governor Schwarzenegger to Expand Broadband Services

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California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger (R) has signed Senate a bill authorizing community service districts to provide broadband services to their residents. Nearly one and a half million mostly rural Californians do not currently have access to broadband service. The new law will help close this digital divide in rural communities by allowing community service districts to provide this additional service on top of many vital local services they already provide for including water, sewer and police protection. The bill implements a recommendation put forth by the California Broadband Task Force in its final report in January. The task force was created by Gov. Schwarzenegger to evaluate California's broadband access and make recommendations to increase services statewide. Specifically, the Task Force's final report includes maps of current broadband availability and speed, recommendations on how to achieve universal access and increased use and a time frame to meet those goals.

Governor Schwarzenegger to Expand Broadband Services