Gregg Is Nominated for Secretary of Commerce

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President Obama on Tuesday nominated Sen Judd Gregg (R-NH) to help "shore up our financial system and revitalize our economy" by serving as commerce secretary. In naming Sen Gregg to the post, which requires Senate confirmation, the president is seeking to win more bipartisan support for his economic recovery plan. President Obama said that Gregg would be a key member of his economic team. Gregg, who is in the middle of his third Senate term, said he agreed to answer the president's call to serve because of the enormity of the nation's economic crisis. "This is not a time for partisanship," Gregg said. "This is not a time when we should stand in our ideological corners and shout at each other. This is a time to govern and govern well." The Commerce Department has a broad mandate - to promote economic development at home and abroad - but sees little public attention. It includes agencies ranging from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to the Patent and Trademark Office. It also plays a key role in promoting international trade. Gregg is not known as a fiery ideologue, but his voting record is consistently conservative. He has a 4% lifetime rating from the labor union organization AFL- CIO and most recently voted against pay equity legislation signed into law by Obama, calling it "a boon for trial lawyers." In fact, Gregg voted in favor of abolishing the Department of Commerce as a member of the Budget Committee and on the Senate floor in 1995. Ultimately, the Commerce Department survived, and Gregg has since shown more interest than most of his Republican colleagues in funding some of its agencies, particularly the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

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Secretary of What? (WSJ editorial)
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Sen. Gregg Nominated to Head Commerce (WashPost)

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Where Gregg stands on the issues (USAToday)

Gregg's bank stocks raise questions (LATimes)
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