Group Urges FCC to Clarify its Broadband Data Challenge Process

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The Federal Communications Commission is revamping its Broadband Data Collection Program. Meanwhile, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) is working to distribute tens of billions of federal dollars to support state and local broadband initiatives. Next Century Cities, the National Broadband Mapping Coalition, Buckeye Hills Regional Council, Access Humboldt, SA Digital Connects, the National Association of Counties, California Community Foundation, and South Bay Cities Council of Governments urged the FCC to clarify what its new broadband mapping challenge process entails. According to their letter, local governments and consumers are directly impacted by inaccurate federal mapping. Uncertainty related to the challenge process can be a drain on already limited community resources. Clarity about what information will be included in the FCC’s updated protocols would boost local leaders’ participation in informing data sets. "The Commission can support complementary local data collection efforts and coordination between entities by defining the challenge process to whether the map accurately depicts speeds offered in the marketplace," it said. "Additionally, the Commission should provide guidance for communities that have not started the data collection process by providing specific examples of local data collection efforts that would assist with national broadband mapping initiatives."

Next Century Cities Letter to FCC Chairwoman Rosenworcel