Groups Say FCC Bloggers Exemption Is Discriminatory

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A quartet of civil rights organizations has asked the Federal Communications Commission to "correct or amend" its decision to allow online commenters to the FCC's blog to weigh in on proposed open Internet rules during the seven-day period when sunshine rules prevent lobbying of commissioners on public meeting agenda items. The FCC last week waived its prohibition on outside (ex parte) contacts with the commissioners on the issue of network neutrality in the seven days before it is to take up that issue Oct. 22, so long as the contacts are via its new blog. The reason, said the agency, was that those contacts "take place in a forum that is both instantaneously available to all interested parties and will not intrude on the commission's decision making." The Asian American Justice Center, League of United Latin American Citizens, National Urban League and One Economy Corporation, argued in an emergency motion Monday that the waiver is discriminatory. "While undoubtedly intended to facilitate public participation, the practical effect of this action is to bar public input by those who lack Internet access or rely on other means of communication while affording those with Internet access the last word," they said.

Groups Say FCC Bloggers Exemption Is Discriminatory