Groups Urge Congress to Include Broadband Subsidy in Stimulus Bills

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Public interest, government, civil rights, labor, higher education, and rural advocacy groups urged Congress to offer a federal broadband subsidy in forthcoming COVID-19 stimulus packages. They argue that tens of millions of Americans — particularly low-income families, rural residents, and people of color — lack broadband access, leaving our most vulnerable communities struggling to stay connected with school, work, healthcare, entertainment, and their loved ones during the pandemic. Additionally, many more people find themselves unable to afford broadband because of the financial impacts of COVID-19, with thirty percent of low-income Black, Hispanic and people of color claiming that they have missed an internet payment since the pandemic started. If Congress wants to help people stay connected and engaged from home, then lawmakers should make it possible for every American to do so.

Public Knowledge Joins 39 Groups Urging Congress to Include Broadband Subsidy in Stimulus Bills