Harrisburg, We Have a Panel
[SOURCE: Federal Communications Commission]
More detail on today's FCC media ownership hearing in Harrisburg (PA)... the 9:30am panel will consist of W. Cody Anderson, President & CEO of ACG Associates; Bill Baldwin, Executive Vice President of Hall Communications and General Manager of WROZ-FM and WLPA-AM, Lancaster, PA, and WSJW-FM, York, PA ; Jim Haigh, Mid-Atlantic Community Papers Association; Charles Layton, American Journalism Review staff writer; Lauri Lebo, York Daily Record reporter and owner of WWII 720 AM; H. Joseph Lewin, President of Harrisburg Television, Inc. and General Manager of WHTM-TV, Harrisburg, PA; Beth McConnell, Director of PennPIRG; and Paul Quinn, President and General Manager, WGAL(TV), Lancaster, PA. A live audio cast of the hearing will be available at the FCC's website at www.fcc.gov on a first-come, first-served basis. The public may also file comments or other documents with the Commission and should reference docket number 06-121 when filing by paper or submit your filing electronically by going to http://gullfoss2.fcc.gov/prod/ecfs/upload_v2.cgi and enter proceeding number 06-121. Filing instructions are provided at http://www.fcc.gov/ownership/comments.html
* NAB Wants FCC To ID Media Ownership Open Mikers
In a letter to FCC Chairman Kevin Martin Thursday, NAB President David Rehr said that while the "NAB believes that comments from local viewers and listeners are the most relevant and valuable to the Commission," it also believes those comments should be verifiability local. "One way to improve the dialog and ensure all Americans have the opportunity to provide their viewpoints," Rehr wrote,"would be to have all individuals wanting to provide their personal opinions to the Commission identify the city or town where they reside. Making this simple procedure a standard part of these hearings will enhance the record of the Commission, and will also help ensure that the Commissioners hear from viewers and listeners who actually receive service from stations in the local markets where the hearings are being conducted," Rehr wrote.