Heat is a huge villain in mother nature versus the network
Network performance is never more front-of-mind than when a natural disaster strikes and connectivity is a lifeline to first responders, family and friends. But many service providers operate in regions where extreme heat or cold can create year-round challenges to managing their network infrastructure. Kim Bowman-Scott, VP of field operations, west; and Ron Wilson, director of network service operations for Optimum, say extreme heat can cause the most network management headaches. In addition to natural disasters like forest fires, earthquakes, tornados, flooding, and even a tsunami, extreme heat and high winds are other weather challenges that Optimum has to prepare for in certain regions. High heat, with temperatures over 100 degrees Fahrenheit, takes a toll on Optimum's coax markets more so than its fiber buildouts. Hybrid fiber-coaxial are more sensitive to the heat and the elements, partly because of how they're installed, said Wilson.
Heat is a huge villain in mother nature versus the network