Hillary’s big money machine steams toward Election Day

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Before Democrat Hillary Clinton “overturns Citizens United,” curtails “secret, unaccountable money in politics” and ends “the stranglehold that the wealthy and special interests have on so much of our government,” she has some business left to do. Namely, obliterating Republican Donald Trump with her historically massive, big-dollar, lobbyist-loaded campaign cash machine — one she says she’ll gladly disassemble once she wins the White House, but not before. And new campaign finance reports show Clinton is sticking to that plan as Election 2016 enters its final days.

In the last campaign finance filing before the election Clinton and her super PAC allies have reported raising $702 million through Oct. 19, compared to Trump and his supportive groups, who have raised $312 million. It is a startling rebuke to the no-longer-so-true truism that Republicans are the primary beneficiary of big political money. Clinton’s advantage will likely to hold to the end, as she and her super PAC allies reported $79 million in the bank as of Oct. 19, according to a Center for Public Integrity analysis of new campaign finance reports. Compare that to Trump and his super PAC supporters, who have about $32 million in reserve. Clinton’s campaign committee alone has raised more than twice as much money as Trump’s: $513 million versus $255 million. Her $62.4 million cash on hand as of Oct. 19 is nearly four times Trump’s $16 million.

Hillary’s big money machine steams toward Election Day