Hopes for the lame ducks

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[SOURCE: Los Angeles Times, AUTHOR: Editorial Staff]
[Cmmentary] There is bipartisan support for a postelection session in which Congress catches up on unfinished appropriations and completes work on sensible initiatives such as tax credits for research and development. And both parties seem eager to usher in a new era at the Pentagon — and in Iraq policy — by holding confirmation hearings this year for Robert M. Gates, President Bush's nominee to replace Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld. But divisive matters that can be left until next year should be left until next year. The best candidate for "wait till next year" treatment is the effort to legalize the National Security Agency's warrantless eavesdropping on Americans suspected of contacts with foreign terrorists. The House-approved bill essentially rubber-stamps the program while requiring notification of Congress. But the Senate has yet to decide among three bills, all of which (believe it or not) were approved by the Judiciary Committee. The NSA is continuing its surveillance while the administration appeals a federal judge's finding that the program is unconstitutional. So there is no reason for this Congress to rush to judgment on a controversial issue better left to the Congress elected on Nov. 7.
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Hopes for the lame ducks