House Intel Chairman: 'We don't have any evidence' that President Trump was wiretapped

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House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA) said that his panel has not received any evidence that President Donald Trump was wiretapped during the election campaign. "As I told you last week about the issue with the president talking about tapping Trump Tower, that evidence still remains the same, that we don't have any evidence that that took place," Chairman Nunes said. "In fact, I don't believe just in the last week of time, the people we've talked to, I don't think there was an actual tap of Trump Tower." It is not the first time Chairman Nunes has stated that there is no evidence to suggest Trump was wiretapped.

House Intel Chairman: 'We don't have any evidence' that President Trump was wiretapped House Intelligence Chair Says He Doesn't Believe Trump Tower Was Wiretapped (NPR)