How big data will separate haves from have-nots
November 6, 2012
According to Dun & Bradstreet CIO Walt Hauck the companies that "get" big data and use it to better serve their customers will be the "haves." Those that don't might as well open a corner bookstore. "I think big data is the beginning of the 'haves' and 'have-nots',” Hauck says. "You're either going to be able to take your data, manipulate it, and understand it at scale, or you're going to follow those that do." Hauck isn't talking about the data that comes from Twitter feeds and Facebook "likes."
That grabs headlines, but the real value in big data is better understanding what you already know:
- Why do your customers do what they do?
- What is it about your products or services that resonates with your customers?
- What do your customers need, and what do they need more of?
- How are you going to use what you know about your customers to do what you do better, attract new clients, open new markets and so on?
How big data will separate haves from have-nots