How Do You Change the Net Neutrality Debate?
[Analysis] On July 17, 2018, Rep. Mike Coffman (R-CO) changed the network neutrality debate. Through two bold steps, Rep. Coffman disrupted the ongoing Republican vs Democrat divide on the issue and became, perhaps, the most prominent Republican to not just provide lip service to the “open internet,” but to make a positive proposal to enshrine net neutrality consumer protections for broadband users. First, Rep. Coffman introduced legislation that would amend U.S. communications law to provide for internet openness requirements for broadband internet access service providers. Simultaneously, Rep. Coffman signed a discharge petition that would force a vote in the U.S. House on a resolution that would overturn the Federal Communications Commission’s 2017 repeal of net neutrality rules.
[Kevin Taglang]
How Do You Change the Net Neutrality Debate?