How A Facebook Page Prepared A Region For Hurricane Sandy, And What That Teaches About Social Media
[Commentary] Thanks to the remarkably effective Facebook page “Hudson Valley Weather” I feel I am as prepared as one could reasonably be, both practically and emotionally. I owe them a significant debt for the information they provided, as well as the resulting peace of mind that comes from being prepared. Hudson Valley Weather, known on Facebook as HVWX1, describes its purpose as “provid(ing) localized and detailed forecasts for the Hudson Valley.” And that they do. They really get right what they do, both the weather forecasting and how to use social media to suit their purpose. I actually think they’ve stumbled on a secret sauce for how to leverage expertise for maximum impact: have expertise, enable activity both online and off, support (not create) community.
How A Facebook Page Prepared A Region For Hurricane Sandy, And What That Teaches About Social Media