How Sen Cory Booker handles haters on Twitter
Meet Sen Cory Booker (D-NJ), the nicest senator on Twitter. Seriously, for a rising political star, it’s unbelievable how personal Sen Booker is on social media. Sen Booker runs his own feed and regularly replies to people who mention him. Now that his book, “United,” is out, he’s sending dozens of thank-yous to people who are buying and reading it. In the hyper-controlled world of congressional Twitter, his involvement and authenticity stand out. That doesn’t mean everyone likes him, especially now that Booker is actively campaigning for Hillary Clinton in the presidential primary. Sen Bernie Sanders (I-VT) supporters regularly tweet at him to express their disapproval, and because it’s Twitter, he gets plenty of run-of-the-mill trolling. How does a senator handle this stuff? Not by ignoring it, that’s for sure. In fact, Sen Booker, who reportedly practices meditation and studied with Hindu gurus, is a model of equanimity in addressing his critics.
How Sen Cory Booker handles haters on Twitter