i2Coalition Submits Comments to Federal Communications Commission on Net Neutrality

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The Internet thrives when a level playing field allows innovation to come from anyone with a good idea and the ability to act on it. Minimal barriers to entry encourage individual entrepreneurs, small businesses, and global companies to compete in the same arena.

The most effective way for the Federal Communications Commission to protect and promote the Internet is to implement Open Access by reclassifying the broadband transmission component as a Title II telecommunications service.

Although Net Neutrality rules attempt to alleviate the effects of an uncompetitive last mile by regulating broadband access, Open Access strikes at the heart of the problem by opening up the network to robust competition. Open Access would bring competition back to the Internet access market and consumer choice would be the primary safeguard against abusive and discriminatory network practices.

[Snead is Internet Infrastructure Coalition Co-Founder and Public Policy Chair]

i2Coalition Submits Comments to Federal Communications Commission on Net Neutrality