IIA Claims Broadband Users Save More

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The Internet Innovation Alliance released an analysis that claims that U.S. consumers can save thousands of dollars a year by using their broadband connections to access a range of services and products from travel to clothing.

The alliance says that consumers can save as much as $7,700 annually by using broadband to obtain better prices for services and products. For example, the analysis, conducted for the alliance by Nicholas J. Delgado with the Chicago-based wealth management firm Dignitas, claims that broadband users can save as much as $2,700 over non users on entertainment by paying less for concerts, events and other activities. Other areas identified for savings include $1,532 on travel, $974 on housing and $193 on newspaper subscriptions by accessing their news for free on the Internet.

IIA Claims Broadband Users Save More Access to Broadband Internet: Top 10 Areas of Savings (Internet Innovation Alliance)