ILSR's Big List of American Rescue Plan Community Broadband Projects

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With the first traunch of American Rescue Plan (ARP) funds going out to counties and cities in summer 2021, many local leaders have begun to propose projects and seek input from citizens about how they should be used. The ARP represents an unprecedented amount of money flowing to local governments, but the consequences of operating for more than a year and a half under the burden of the COVID-19 pandemic are that there seem to be so many things that need attention. Access to universal, affordable, fast Internet access is among them, but the road from recognizing the need and implementing thoughtful policies is not an equally smooth one for all. Sometimes, a little inspiration is all it takes; that's where this list comes in. The Institute for Local Self-Reliance has compiled an ongoing list of ARP-funded broadband projects which are under consideration, have been announced, or are underway. Arranged alphabetically by state and organized by whether they are under consideration or are planned, these are current broadband expansion projects by cities, counties, and telephone and electric cooperatives across the US.

Our Big List of American Rescue Plan Community Broadband Projects