Important Ideas to Streamline Broadband Permitting and Support Internet for All Deployments
High-speed Internet service connects and builds communities, accelerates economic progress, and enhances public service capabilities. Installing broadband infrastructure can be complex due to permitting processes and regulations that may influence the availability of public rights-of-way, poles, conduits, ducts, and other necessary facilities. Navigating federal, state, and local permitting requirements may pose challenges for National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) grantees and subgrantees. As part of our ongoing technical assistance, NTIA will highlight key areas where states and territories can streamline permitting processes to more efficiently expand high-speed Internet service to everyone in America. Key focus areas are:
- Promote dig once policies to reduce impacts of deployment.
- Promote fair and affordable access to utility poles.
- Coordinate with federal, state, and local transportation agencies to provide broadband right-of-way access.
- Work with public and private railroad operators to provide broadband right-of-way access.
- Encourage streamlining of local, state, and regional permitting processes.
Important Ideas to Streamline Broadband Permitting and Support Internet for All Deployments