Infrastructure Bill Money Will Help Push Universal Broadband Goal Within Five Years: Rep. Clyburn

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House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-SC) predicted that the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act will help get internet into every home in America within the next four to five years. The bill itself does not provide a concrete timeline as to when this goal would be achieved, but various government officials, including Rep Clyburn, have made promises to the American people that it could come sooner than some may expect. “In five years, I think this going to be a successful venture,” said Rep Clyburn. In addition, for this to work, he said he believes that including the private sector is what will really “allow us to build internet in every home, every business, within four to five years.”

[The remarks were delivered at the Benton Institute's 40th Anniversary Celebration]

Infrastructure Bill Money Will Help Push Universal Broadband Goal Within Five Years: Rep. Clyburn