Internet Association Calls for Senate to Act to Preserve Net Neutrality Protections
Internet Association called for the Senate to preserve a free and open internet with strong, enforceable network neutrality protections. In a letter to the Senate, IA stated its support for the Senate Congressional Review Act resolution to invalidate the Federal Communication Commission’s Restoring Internet Freedom Order and other bipartisan legislation to reinstate strong net neutrality rules. The letter says, “IA supports bright-line rules that ban throttling, blocking, and paid prioritization, as well as a general conduct standard that ensures these protections stand the test of time...Legislation that memorializes all of the protections from the 2015 Order would also enjoy support from IA and its member companies. The time has come for a bipartisan effort to establish permanent net neutrality rules for consumers, startups, established internet businesses, and internet service providers.”
Internet Association Calls for Senate to Act to Preserve Net Neutrality Protections Internet Association Letter to Senate Internet giants back Senate effort to reinstate net neutrality rules (The Hill)