Internet Caucus Chairmen Optimistic On 'Net Neutrality'
[SOURCE: Technology Daily 1/2, AUTHOR: Heather Greenfield]
As the House looks for bipartisan issues to pass early in the next session, the co-chairmen of the Internet Caucus hope technology issues will get floor time. Universal service, video franchising, and the more controversial Network Neutrality proposals are issues they hope the new Congress will address sooner rather than later. Reps. Rick Boucher (D-VA) and Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) said they believe a middle ground solution to net neutrality is more likely. "The driving fear [among content providers] is owners of the pipes would set up a situation where access is controlled by how much they pay," said Rep Goodlatte. "People would not get as good access to your business if you don't pay more." Rep Goodlatte said he hopes Congress can prevent that by changing antitrust regulations: "I really think there is some middle ground to be achieved." "The broadband providers need to have this issue resolved. It's not going to go away," Rep Boucher said. "Nothing is going to pass unless this net neutrality issue is passed." But Rep Boucher said passing a bill that is "friendly to one side or another is not the way to go." He said such a bill would just be filibustered in the Senate. "If we can find a way to dramatically increase bandwidth so every unaffiliated provider can reach customers, then the whole debate goes away," Rep Boucher said. He plans to reintroduce a bill he wrote with Rep. Lee Terry (R-NEB) to reform the universal service program. Rep Goodlatte, who also has a rural district that would benefit by the telecommunications subsidies that universal service offers, supports the reforms.
Internet Caucus Chairmen Optimistic On 'Net Neutrality'