Internet news supplements papers, TV

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[SOURCE: USAToday, AUTHOR: Peter Johnson]
Mainstream media may be able to breathe a sigh of relief, at least for now: A study finds that although the Internet has grown significantly in the past decade, it is supplementing traditional outlets such as newspapers and television, not replacing them. The biennial news consumption survey of 3,204 adults, out today from the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, finds that although a growing number of people go online for headlines, most still also go to newspapers and television for in-depth news. The findings suggest that “for at least the forseeable future, traditional media are going to continue to co-exist with online news, and that the online news experience is a partner to other traditional news sources and not growing fast enough to supplant traditional media,” Andrew Kohut, Pew's president, said Sunday. The study found that just a decade ago, one in 50 Americans got their news from the Web. Today, one-third of Americans go online for news -- mainly to get the headlines. But as the Internet has become more mainstream, its audience growth has slowed considerably since 2000.

* Online news audience growth slows in US: survey

Internet news supplements papers, TV