Internet service providers Know All

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[Commentary] As you read this post, your Internet service provider is collecting information about you: what you’re reading right now on Slate, what URL you go to next, what time of day it is, and whether you’re on your home computer or your mobile device, among many other data points. Your ISP has similar data about apps you’ve used, how much data you consume at any given time of day, and your other daily Internet habits and rhythms.

Of course, your ISP has other up-to-date personal information as well—things like your name, address, telephone number, credit card number, and likely your Social Security number. In this way, ISPs have access to a uniquely detailed, comprehensive, and accurate view of you and every other subscriber. All of this at a time when consumer concern over privacy is increasing and has actually caused people to refrain from engaging in e-commerce and other activities online. The FCC has proposed a very strong rule that will help protect ISP customers from exploitative uses of their data. This battle for consumer choice will be ongoing for many months, but soon, you may finally be able to choose both having Internet access and protecting your privacy.

Internet service providers Know All