Internet step feared to miss target in Arkansas; shift to cities in rural-broadband plan dismays lawmakers

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State lawmakers unanimously voted in February to create a structure to use state grant funds to expand high-speed internet to Arkansas' farthest flung areas, but the program spawned by that law, as now proposed, would do the opposite, about a dozen legislators said. Local government officials, internet companies and other stakeholders had near-universal praise for Gov. Asa Hutchinson's August announcement of $25 million in grant funds to build broadband infrastructure in rural areas, but tones changed after details of the Arkansas Rural Connect Grant Program were released. Under the proposed program, only cities -- with a focus on those with a population of more than 500 -- would be eligible for a portion of the funds. The rules must still be approved by the Arkansas Legislative Council, and a public hearing is scheduled.

Internet step feared to miss target in Arkansas; shift to cities in rural-broadband plan dismays lawmakers