An Internet Test
[SOURCE: San Francisco Chronicle, AUTHOR: Editorial Staff]
[Commentary] "Net Neutrality" will never make it on a bumper-sticker or flame-red T-shirt. But the clunky phrase has become a worthy battle cry: Keep the Internet free, level and open to all. It's the Senate's turn to consider the issue. The Senate may want to duck a showdown, believing the Internet is too unpredictable to regulate. Why not let the phone and cable companies have their way and ask the Federal Communications Commission to jump on them later, if abuses surface? If only Washington worked that way. Once the phone and cable industry has its way, it will be hard to rein them in. Net neutrality should remain a basic, not a negotiating point to be weighed and measured later on.
* Congress vs. the Internet
[Commentary] There's little question that a united Democratic caucus could combine with principled Republicans in the Senate to defend net neutrality. But if so-called "new Democrats" in the Senate side with the telephone and cable lobbies, the information superhighway will become a toll road.…