An Investment in HBCUs is an Investment in America

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As anchors of the community, upgraded broadband infrastructure will help Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) serve the needs of unserved and underserved communities that are too often overlooked or ignored. That is why it is imperative to invest in HBCUs in the digital age by (1) expanding access to broadband for students, faculty, and staff on and off campus and (2) creating opportunities to recruit and retain HBCU students and alumni in the technology and telecommunications sectors. The COVID-19 pandemic has reminded us that access to affordable, reliable broadband is necessary to participate in modern life. It is the tool that we use to access educational platforms, create businesses, and remain connected to loved ones, no matter the distance. Despite the necessity of this tool, millions of Americans lack access to broadband, largely people of color, rural areas, and low-income populations. In HBCU communities, many of which are concentrated in the South, geographic location and income inequality compounds the impact of the digital divide.

An Investment in HBCUs is an Investment in America