It’s time to ask how E-rate will impact learning outcomes

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[Commentary] E-rate, officially known as the Schools and Libraries Program of the Universal Service Fund, was created to provide schools and libraries with an affordable way to obtain telecommunications, Internet access and Internet-related services. In the beginning, E-rate focused principally on telephone service, which was the most basic and universal way individuals communicated 20 years ago. As the program evolved, the definition of “new technology” grew increasingly inexact and complicated. It became clear that E-rate was in need of a refresh.

Advocates for change, including legislators, the Federal Communications Commission and organizations such as ISTE and the Consortium for School Networking (CoSN), hoped to address the question: How do we increase internet bandwidth available to our schools and provide ubiquitous wireless coverage? The new focus on connectivity is great, but now we must ask ourselves another question: “How will this connectivity improve learning outcomes?” In other words, what are we going to do with this bandwidth? The situation might be likened to a public utilities initiative to build huge infrastructure to get water into homes while neglecting the pertinent question of where we will get the water? Our water is digital content, learning management systems, homework submission tools, live-stream video, all products and solutions that can impact learning. Bandwidth on its own is not enough. We have to find meaningful ways to use that bandwidth to impact learning and to create anytime, anywhere learners.

[Jeff Patterson is the founder and CEO of Gaggle]

It’s time to ask how E-rate will impact learning outcomes