ITU Broadband Report: US Ranks 24th Globally in Internet Usage

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The US ranks 24th worldwide in the percentage of residents who use the Internet, according to the International Telecommunications Union’s 2013 State of Broadband Report.

Eighty-one percent of US residents use the Internet, the ITU said. The US ranks ninth worldwide measured on mobile broadband penetration, according to the new ITU research. Just under three-quarters (74.7%) of US citizens use mobile broadband, the ITU said. Ahead of the US were several Asian and European countries and Australia. The nation with the highest percentage of people using the Internet was Iceland, where 97% of the people are Internet users. The top 10 countries all had usage rates above 88% and all but two – New Zealand and Qatar – are in Europe.

ITU Broadband Report: US Ranks 24th Globally in Internet Usage