John Verdi, director of privacy initiatives, Office of Policy Analysis and Development
When the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) was tasked last year with helping to launch a new multistakeholder process aimed at developing privacy codes of conduct for various business sectors, the agency turned to someone who understood how technology, law and privacy intersect. With a background as both a computer programmer and lawyer, John Verdi fit the bill.
Verdi, who began his job as NTIA’s director of privacy initiatives in April 2012, has been in charge of organizing the multistakeholder process aimed at drafting voluntary industry codes of conduct to enhance consumer privacy. In this role, Verdi has the delicate job of trying to help move the process forward without weighing in on the substance. The process reached an important milestone last week when stakeholders involved in the process agreed to begin testing and implementing a privacy code aimed at enhancing the transparency of mobile apps.
John Verdi, director of privacy initiatives, Office of Policy Analysis and Development