Judge: Sanction for Samsung's leak of Apple secrets is public shaming

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US Magistrate Judge Paul Grewal was furious. Details of a patent licensing deal between Apple and Nokia that were turned over to Samsung's outside counsel with an agreement -- protected by court order -- that they would absolutely, positively never be seen by Samsung itself -- turned up in the hands of a Samsung licensing executive who told a shocked Nokia executive: "all information leaks." Judge Grewel delivered his answer: His "public findings of wrongdoing" -- plus court costs -- would be "sufficient both to remedy Apple and Nokia's harm and to discourage similar conduct in the future." To the judge, in his courtroom, a public finding of wrongdoing probably seems like a big deal. Outside the court, where most people live, his admonishment is likely to get lost.

Judge: Sanction for Samsung's leak of Apple secrets is public shaming Samsung avoids court sanctions for leaking secret Apple licensing agreement (The Verge) Samsung not sanctioned over leakage of Apple documents (PCWorld)