Just one agency should enforce antitrust law

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No industry should be free from antitrust scrutiny, including big tech. But the splitting of this tech antitrust review across two federal agencies (the Federal Trade Commission and the Department of Justice's Antitrust Division), despite the many similar competition issues that will be investigated, illustrates the absurdity of having two federal agencies handling civil antitrust enforcement. It also shows why these investigations are likely to be less effective and coherent than they should be. Dividing review of the tech industry also invites conflicts between the agencies on how they analyze competition issues. Having two agencies police the same beat also invites bureaucratic pettiness as civil servants place their own agency’s interests over those of American consumers and taxpayers. Congress should focus on ensuring that antitrust enforcement efforts are backed by appropriate resources. One way to further that goal would be to reorganize civil antitrust enforcement so that it is done under one roof. Doing so would result in more coherent, efficient, and effective antitrust enforcement.

Just one agency should enforce antitrust law