Killing Net Neutrality Rules Did Far More Harm Than You Probably Realize

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We've noted repeatedly that the repeal of network neutrality did far more than just kill popular net neutrality rules. It effectively neutered the Federal Communications Commission's ability to do its job and oversee lumbering natural telecom monopolies. And, contrary to the claims of the telecom lobby, it threw any remaining authority to a Federal Trade Commission that lacks the resources or authority to do the job either. Here's one case in point: the previous FCC had passed some fairly basic rules requiring that ISPs be transparent about the kind of connection you're buying. With those rules dead, the FCC's process now basically involves you complaining to the Ajit Pai FCC, and the agency doing nothing about it. Another case in point: customers of Frontier Communications have been complaining that the company continues to charge them a $10 router rental fee every month, even when they own their own router. Customers who complain to the FCC are basically being told there's nothing the FCC can do. Both examples above clearly showcase how repealing net neutrality rules will impact much more than net neutrality.

Killing Net Neutrality Rules Did Far More Harm Than You Probably Realize