Lawmakers look to infrastructure spending to help economy recover from coronavirus

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Leaders in Washington signaled that they are looking to steer more money to infrastructure projects as a way to help the economy recover from the damage the virus has wrought. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and key lieutenants pitched an existing five-year, $760 billion infrastructure investment plan as a recovery proposal. In a call with reporters, the speaker said the country needs “bold action to renew America’s infrastructure.” The plan is largely the same as the one that Democrats unveiled in January. But it would add $10 billion in funding for community health clinics, and Speaker Pelosi said it could be expanded further. While much of the money would be spent on rebuilding roads, bridges and transit networks, the plan also calls for investment in water and sewer infrastructure and broadband Internet.

Lawmakers look to infrastructure spending to help economy recover from coronavirus ‘Infrastructure Week’ Returns as Trump and Democrats Eye Post-Virus Jobs Plan (NYTimes)