Lawmakers Unveil ISP Data Retention Bill and Get Chilly Reception
Rep Lamar Smith (R-TX) and Sen John Cornyn (R-TX) introduced legislation that directs Internet service providers to retain subscriber information for up to two years. Rep Smith says, the bill helps law enforcement officials identify users who upload and view explicit child pornography and would impose record-keeping requirements similar to those already in place for telephone companies. Internet Service Providers routinely work with authorities and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children on this front and have made strides to bolster industry efforts in recent years. In addition to record retention, the measure also makes it a crime to financially facilitate the sale, distribution and purchase of child pornography. The bill would provide additional funds to the FBI's Innocent Images program, which is the backbone of federal law enforcement's fight to eradicate child porn. High-tech and child safety advocates give the legislation a chilly reception.
Lawmakers Unveil ISP Data Retention Bill and Get Chilly Reception Tech Groups Chilly To New Internet Bill (CongressDaily)