Lawmakers using wrong tactic on Amazon tax

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[Commentary] The San Francisco Chronicle heartily endorsed the recently signed legislation that would require Amazon and other online retailers to collect sales taxes on purchases made by Californians. It also agrees that Amazon has proved a bad corporate citizen by dumping its California affiliates and bankrolling a signature-gathering campaign to overturn the law by voter referendum.

But the Chronicle disagrees with the latest tactical move by Amazon-tax supporters in the Legislature: proposing to tear up the new law and push for a two-thirds vote on a new one. A supermajority vote would put the law beyond the reach of a referendum. This is bad policy and bad politics. It would be far better for supporters of the Amazon tax - which is a matter of fairness for retailers who are hiring Californians, paying property taxes and otherwise engaging in our communities - to stay on the high road. Californians have a way of saying no to businesses that try to exploit the ballot box for competitive advantage.

Lawmakers using wrong tactic on Amazon tax