Legislators Pursue Broadband for Veterans and Children

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The House of Representatives has adopted legislation and a resolution targeting broadband for veterans and school-age children.

Broadband for Veterans: The bill is the Improving Broadband Access for Veterans Act of 2016 (HR 6394). Introduced by Rep Jerry McNerney (D-CA), the bill would require the Federal Communications Commission to submit a report to Congress about promoting broadband Internet access service for veterans, with a special focus on low-income veterans and veterans residing in rural areas.

Student Broadband Resolution: The resolution, H. Res. 939, was introduced by Rep Peter Welch (D-VT). It argues that all students should have access to digital tools, including broadband, which are necessary to further their education and compete in today’s economy. Leading up to that assertion are 13 “whereas” clauses, such as:
Whereas the United States should lead the world in providing high-quality education and opportunities to its citizens;
Whereas digital skills are essential for education and preparing citizens for the economy of the future;
Whereas a disproportionate number of students without high-speed Internet access at home reside in low-income and minority households.

Legislators Pursue Broadband for Veterans and Children